Friday, June 12, 2009

Wings Equal Toast II

They couldn't close them out in game 6. They will not be able to do it on the mulligan try. Gary's whiny little golden boy will lift the cup apparently vindicating the guy who thought the Dallas and Phoenix were better Hockey locales than Minneapolis and Winnipeg.


Unknown said...

I am very very sad. I don't think it is fatigue. I really blame it on Hossa who angered the Hockey Gods by switching teams to win and bringing his mojo with him. He washed clean the Penguins.

The Really Sarcastic Weasel said...

Wings were too injured and too tired. No professional team just quits like that in game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals.

No effort. Not really. Very sad. The Pens found their I-want-the-cup gear, Wings lost in a very composed, very professional manner.

It was a good year though, really. I just don't like the direction the league is going...

Unknown said...

There definitely is the feel of change in the league and I am not sure if I really care for it either. I can't really put my finger on it but in a way it sort of feels like the NBA somehow and that is not a good thing.

After giving up the lead in game 6, I had a funny feeling that it was their last chance to win. Too many seven game overtimes for the legs to keep working.

Would love to see a post on where you are afraid the league is going and what you would like for them to really do...

The Really Sarcastic Weasel said...

I might do a post on it if I think I can improve on your basic thesis that you just stated. The league does appear to be being NBA-ized. Heavy hype (and official favoritism) for some, perpetual ignorance for others. And a focus on "stars" and individual skills rather than teams.

Don't read this as a criticism of a lack of team play from the Penguins. Game 7 was really terrific team play and they totally deserved to win that game.

A really good post on the topic might take way too long. Maybe when Ish recovers enough from his heartbreak, I'll give him a guest post to do it. It might be more fun than Morse code.

ish said...

1) The "interference" experiment has failed. Scoring is at the same levels it had been before, and the application of this penalty is so arbitrary that if you don't do it you're at a disadvantage. Get rid of it.

2) A successful business owner wants to buy a *hockey* team in Phoenix and move to Ontario, where he thinks it will be financially successful in ways it has not been in A FUCKING DESERT. The commish is against it. What?

3) The emphasis on stars over team play is a large part of what destroyed the NBA. Pitt won with their "star" non-existent during the series and out hurt for most of the final game. But if the league ups the ante on interference type rules, rather than repealing them, team play may no longer result in wins. Which is sad.

That's just the first 3 things I can think of at 0730. I still think the NHL is the most interesting and exciting sporting event out there. But I'm definitely worried that Bettman is trying like hell to ruin it.