As some may have guessed from recent
cryptic postings, The Sarcastic Weasel and Official Wife have been busy dutifully defying both
God and Nature.
Due to my unfortunate encounter with
The Cancer and the side effects of the copious amount of
poison that I
consumed to rid myself of it, I am no longer able manufacture new gametes for... gamete-specific activities. Fortunately, thanks to medical foresight, liquid nitrogen, and a kind of odd guy named Paul, I have a limited supply of chilly gametes that are older than the average house cat.
So there are
cheap and enjoyable methods to introduce gamete to gamete. But when those don't work, there are
technology assisted methods that are opposed by several major religions. These methods are incredibly expensive, unpleasant to experience, and have questionable success rates.
But, as of yesterday, the Sarcastic Weasel and Official Wife have confirmed that we have beaten the odds and started one to two miniature weasels (or weaselettes) that are about two weeks along into their development.
There's still plenty of uncertainty until the standard first trimester benchmark, but after considerable expense, artificial hormones, and lots and lots of injections, we have a real result; one or both of the embryos pictured in the Debugging Entry post have implanted.
As for that post, I wasn't especially ready to announce to the five or so people that read this blog that such endeavors were underway (at least until some results were known), but the picture was too cool not to post, so I made the description as unhelpful as possible. A prize will be awarded to the first person who can respond in the comments section where exactly I got the post title, "Debugging Entry" from.
Now I have to start planning to arrange the best possible education for a
mad scientist and the future enslaver of mankind. Mwa!, Ha, HA HA, HA!