Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Weasel Meme is Here

Born: 04:03:2009:03:21

Go here for a picture and some measurements. You should try to remember the date above and the mother's name.

Labor was hard (baby face up for a long time) and the hospital stay a little longer than I expected (about 27 hours before birth and 59 after). The baby was a little jaundiced requiring her to sleep on a fiber optic UV blanket for a few days. They let go home just before the snow struck and took out our power. Since UV blankets require power, we went to a hotel for the night.

All is well now. Super tired.

Real post to follow with better pics than are available in the link.


Unknown said...

Wow! What a head of hair. Congratulations to you both. At some level I will enjoy your upcoming pain, but am also really happy that you get to experience the really cool aspects as well.

The Really Sarcastic Weasel said...

Just for that, I will make sure that I never even allude to you about even the most minor of child rearing pain.

So far as the Reverend0 is concerned, MY child raising experience henceforth will be all kittens and bacon.

Unknown said...

That is the second time today I have read of both cats and bacon. You really do have a weasel meme.

Michelle said...

Congrats! Does she want an older sister yet?

The Really Sarcastic Weasel said...

Free older sister? Can she solder, write C code, or solve non-linear least squares problems? I have an opening in the lab.

DC said...

Congratulations! :)

ish said...

Incidentally, that's the name of the new daycare business I'm starting: Kittens 'N Bacon Daycare.

Congrats to you both on creating life. Impressive.

The Really Sarcastic Weasel said...

"Incidentally, that's the name of the new daycare business I'm starting: Kittens 'N Bacon Daycare."

I would use it for my kid. Heck, I'd use it for myself.

(Skip to 2:10 for the bacon relevant part).

The Really Sarcastic Weasel said...

OK. Here's the other half of that equation: